Optical Windows

Optical Windows are flat, plane-parallel, transparent optical surfaces designed to protect sensors and other electronic instruments from environment conditions.
Optical Window selection considerations include material transmission properties as well as scattering, strength and resistance to certain environments. Their use should not impact on magnification of a system. Optical Windows can be optically polished and incorporate an element for diffusing light source to control illumination.
AR coatings can be applied to ensure maximum transmission performance for a particular wavelength. The windows are made in a range of materials including UV Fused Silica, Quartz, IR Crystals and optical glasses. Our optical window properties include x-ray protection, non-browning to UV light and light transmission from deep ultra violet to far-infrared.
UQG Optical Windows products include wedges, substrates, discs, flats, plates, rods, protection windows, laser windows, camera windows, light guides and domes.
Our Windows are used by scientific and industrial companies across the world of medical, defence, instrumentation, laser, research and imaging.
All our Optical Windows can be supplied from a standard range stock. We also supply custom optical windows made to your specification, sizes and specific design.